About Us
Otumoetai FC has a long history tracing its roots all the way back to 1964. We are the largest club in the WaiBOP region with football available for all ages and abilities all year round from 4 - 60+ years of age.
Our home ground and club rooms are located at Fergusson Park. Located at the bottom of Tilby Drive.
The club has a growing number of programmes available throughout the year:
- Winter Football season: We offer football for EVERYBODY, players, coaches, referees, spectators. Anybody that loves the game or wants to get involved we have something for you.
- Summer 5-aside season: We run the largest summer football competition in the area with over 100 teams. Our competition is in high demand running throughout the off season from October - February.
- Futsal: We offer trainings and competitions for Futsal through the summer months terms 4 & 1, This has great benefits to compliment our players as well as being a sport in it's own right.
- Academy: We have a full pathway for our top players through the club. The academy is in place for our youth players to thrive. Our best players with our best coaches creating the best environment possible.
- Female Football - One area we are extremely passionate about as a club is getting more girls playing football in a girls only environment and opportunities available to showcase their talent and succeed!
Management Commitee
Otumoetai FC is run by a range of volunteers as well as currently employing three members of staff (Full time Director of Football and Football Development Officer and Part time Administrator). The club is lead by the following Management Committee, head to the committee and coordinators section to find all other contact details.