Register for 2025 - Registrations Open Soon!

Please select the relevant registration page at the bottom. If you have already signed up for another programme or previously used friendly manager with another club please sign in at the top of the page and click register now. 


First Kicks: 4 - 6 years : 

Fun Football: gr7- gr8: 

Mini Football: gr9 - gr12:

Youth Football: gr13 & College: 

Senior Women’s team : 

Senior Men’s teams : 

Playing in a second team(*) :

OFCA Federation player (U13-17 Youth) : 

All subscription fees are inclusive of an additional $10 non-refundable Administration fee.

* If playing for a second team the highest fee will apply first and the second team will be charged at $100 i.e., if a player is playing for a Senior Men’s teams and a college team, they will pay $295 for the Senior Men’s team and $100 for the college team. Please note that the non-refundable administration fee does not apply to the second team subscription. 

5 a-side:

2024-2025 Junior & Senior season registrations are now full

Playing Kits:

 We are currently redesigning our player kits for 2025. More details about this will be shared soon.

Other Programmes:

Fees for our development & other programmes can be found in their section on the website. 

Any questions on registrations, please email 

Re-registering for past players:

If you are a past player of OFC please log in at the top right hand corner and register using your existing profile, the below options are for new players only.