Register for 2025 - Registrations Open Now!
Registrations will be open until 31st March! Then our grade coordinators will begin to place players into teams based on any player preferences given during registration using the online form. For any grade specific queries please contact your grade coordinator.
Please get in touch with for any more questions!
2025 Season Registrations
Registrations Open: 23rd January 2025
Junior/Youth Registrations Close: 31st March 2025.
Senior Registrations Close: 31st March 2025 (or until teams are full).
Grade 4-6 | Born 2019-2021: $110
Grade 7-8 | Born 2017-2018 : $150
Grade 9-12 | Born 2013-2016 : $180
Grade 13/14 & College | 2007-2012 : $200
Federation Youth | Born 2009-2012 : $550
Senior Women's | Born 2010 and before : $275 if paid before March 8th 2025 ($300 from March 9th)
Senior Men's | Born 2009 and before: $295 if paid before March 8th 2025 ($325 from March 9th)
All subscription fees are inclusive of an additional $10 non-refundable Administration fee.
Note: If playing for a second team the highest fee will apply first and the second team will be charged at $100 i.e., if a player is playing for a Senior Men’s teams and a college team, they will pay $295 for the Senior Men’s team and $100 for the college team. The non-refundable administration fee does not apply to the second team subscription.
Paying Fees:
Fees must be paid online at the time of registration with a valid credit or debit card.
If this is not possible for you, please contact to discuss other payment options. We are here to help and value your membership.
Before Close of Registration Period: Anyone wishing to cancel their registration before the close of registration date, will be offered a refund less $10 administration fee.
After Close of Registration Period: Anyone wishing to cancel their registration after the close of the registration period but before your relevant team starts, will be offered a refund less $50 administration fee. No refunds will be given after this.
Playing Kits:
First Kicks -Grade 7 will be provided with reversible playing shirts to be returned at the end of the season. Green OFC shorts and socks are also required.
Grade 8-14 - All players will need to purchase their OFC shirt this year, shorts and socks.
Otumoetai College will supply all college players with a shirt. Black OFC shorts and socks are also required.
Seniors and Federation Youth players will be provided with their kit.
It is compulsory for all players to wear shinpads under their socks, and football boots are also recommended.
You can find these products on our new club store along with a range of exciting new club apparel.
5 a-side:
2024-2025 Junior & Senior season registrations are now full
Other Programmes:
Any questions on registrations, please email