With a large range of teams across all ages and abilities we know lots of different questions come up!
Please see answers for some of our most general questions below.
- Why cant I login to register?
Winter football registrations are now closed for all age groups
If you are registering for one of our open products (E.g. wellington phoenix programme) follow the link for registration guides
- What age grade should my son/daughter play in?
Players are placed into age groups for the age they are turning in the calendar year. E.g. An 8 year old turning 9 later in the year will be Grade 9.
Our girls only grade are dual age band (U8, U10, U12, U14 Girls). Girls who are grade 7 have the option to play in house in our Gr7 competition at Fergusson Park, these may be girls only teams if requested however will play against mixed teams throughout the season, our U8 girls teams are also an option for grade 7 girls however does involve interclub travel on a weekend.
- What playing gear do I need for the season?
Players require shinpads and appropriate footwear. Players are also required to purchase an OFC shirt, green shorts and socks. These can be ordered online through our club store, which is coming soon in 2025. We have a new gear supplier
- Where will our games be played, how do I find out our fixtures?
All home games will take place at Fergusson Park unless otherwise advised. Away fixtures for Grade 8 upwards will be played around Western BOP. Fixtures can be found on the WaiBOP website: FIXTURES. Please check after 12pm each Friday this page as fixtures can have minor changes from week to week.
- How do I find out cancellations?
The first point of call for these is our facebook page. These will be posted by 7.30am on a Saturday and 2pm weekdays at the latest. For away fixtures it is worth checking other clubs social media or the WaiBOP website cancellation page
What rules, formats will my team follow?
These can all be found through the specific age groups on the waibop website
- How we form teams?
We have removed trials for most of our Junior players, to align with the New Zealand Football's guidance on forming teams and grading. Teams are now formed on a range of criteria players will provide upon registration to ensure they are in an appropriate holistic environment for the season. All you need to do is register for the season and fill out everything required. Once you have done this you will then here from your relevant coordinator on your team placing and everything you need to know following registrations closing.
We do hold team forming sessions for our players in Grade 11 and above. Details about these dates will be emailed to you if you are a registered player.
- When will my team train?
Most teams from Grade 8 upwards will train once per week, this is usually determined by the coach/managers availability who will confirm this once the team has been put together. We also have a range of training programmes available on top of team trainings delivered by our staff, qualified coaches or senior players which can be found through our Development programmes.
- Need to pay outstanding fees, fines. What is account number?
Account number - 03-0435-0457253-00
- How can we help the club?
We are always looking for more help! If its coaching, managing, reffing, coordinating, helping with maintenance, able to sponsor the club we have lots of different roles available. Please contact your age specific coordinator or director@otumoetaifootball.co.nz
If you cannot find the answer you are after, please contact your specific coordinator or for general enquiries our administrator: OFC CONTACTS