Small Sided Game | Safe Zone
Suitable for players aged 9-12 years
- Area of up to 30 x 20m. Modify area depending on the number and age of players.
- Divide the players into 2 teams and bib accordingly (Reds / Blues).
- Insert a channel running across the middle of the pitch. This is the “Safe Zone”.
- Have footballs around the area to restart the match quickly
- Reds and Blues play in a regular small-sided game, aiming to score in the opponent's goal.
- One player from each team is allowed to play in the “Safe Zone”. When in possession of the ball in the “Safe Zone”, players can not be tackled.
- Other players are allowed to move through the “Safe Zone” but can not receive possession of the ball in there.
- Rotate “Safe Zone” players after a certain period of time.
- Players can be tackled in the safe zone after 5 seconds of possession
- Any player can receive the ball in the safe zone (only one player from each team is allowed in the “safe zone” at any one time
- Receiving the ball to play forwards
- Movement to receive the ball
- Passing accuracy