2025 Registrations Open!
"Football for all. Success through community."
That sums up what OFC is about and we're very excited to open registrations for the 2025 season. We're even more excited to confirm that fees for members will be the same as last year.
This is a challenge with rising costs but the club is committed to keeping football affordable and accessible for our community and to being good stewards of the fees you entrust to us.
The one exception is fees for Fed Youth, which have increased from $450 per child to $550. Our youth is our future and the club is focused on further developing the pathways for our talented youth and fostering a love for the game in all our juniors. The Fed Youth programme fees will be dedicated to delivering a better experience and more opportunities for our Fed Youth to help them reach their goals within our club.
It's going to be a big year for OFC, with a new club logo and a new look from our new kit supplier Kelme. One change from previous years is that juniors from Grade 8-14 will now buy their football shirts direct from Kelme and get to keep them and wear with pride. As a bonus for the first year we have negotiated a discounted rate for all new junior playing shirts. For First Kicks and Grade 7 players, the club will continue to provide and own reversible playing kits, while Federation Youth and Senior teams, which require numbered shirts, will also have their kits provided and owned by the club. Otumoetai College will also supply all college players their own playing shirt.
Our Bay 1 men's team has gained promotion to League 1, which means we now have men's teams in all leagues from our first team in the Southern Conference of the Northern Region Football League, right through to Bay 3/over 35s. We also continue our partnership with FC Tauranga Moana to give our senior women access to the best coaching and competition in the Bay. Our juniors will continue to enjoy well organised Saturday morning football (made possible by our amazing volunteers) at the most picturesque football ground in the country.
OFC has an incredible community membership base and we want to make sure our members can indulge their footballing passion and proudly regard OFC as a place to call their own. The 2025 exec committee is committed to taking the club forward and we look forward to another successful year together.
Check the Important Dates page for pre-season and registration information and register now!
"Football for all. Success through community."
Your OFC Executive Committee. Phill, Kerry, Jeremy, Andy and Alex