Football Holiday Programme Term 3

6 Sep

Otumoetai FC is running Holiday Programmes again in the September school holidays.

This is for boys and girls aged 7 to 13. All abilities are welcome, from first-timers to regular players.
Children will be split into age groups on days where there are sufficient numbers to do so.
Develop your football skills, confidence and join us for fun packed days of Football! 

The programme will be overseen by our Football Development Officer Jack Boland, and assisted by members of the club.

To book, please register through the link below on this page. 
Contact Jack at for more information.

When: Tuesday 26th & Wednesday 27th September,  & Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th October. (Wednesdays 27th September GIRLS ONLY DAY)
What: A Fun football based Holiday Programme at Fergusson Park.
Time: 9am - 3pm (Or 9am - 12:30pm half day option). 
Where: Fergusson Park
Cost: $40 Full Day / $30 Half Day
Ages: 7-13

Wet weather back up option at Otumoetai College, will be emailed by 8am the morning of the programme if required.