Football Coordination | Ghostbusters
Suitable for players aged 4-6 years
- Create an area up to 20m x 20m. Modify the size depending on the number of players
- Players (Ghostbusters) start inside the square with a ball each
- The coach (ghost) starts in the middle of the area
- The players dribble their ball inside the square while you call for them to use different parts of the foot, or dribbling combinations
- On calling ‘Ghostbusters’ you run around the area
- The players ‘shoot’ the ‘ghost’ by hitting you below the knees with their ball 3 times in 20 sec.
- The players continue dribbling after the 20 sec. is completed
Basic: Change the part of the foot used to dribble
Intermediate: Players can only ‘shoot’ with their non-dominant foot
- Dribbling and changing direction with the head up
- Passing accuracy over different distances