Football Technique | Ball Thief
Suitable for players aged 4-6 years
- Set up two 10m x 15m areas. Modify the size depending on the number of players
- Every player has a ball and starts inside one of the two areas
- You start between the two areas
- Players dribble the ball around their area, and when they think the time is right they attempt to cross to the other box
- While between the two areas, they need to perform a fake to beat you before reaching the other area
- You need to challenge the players and if they lose control of the ball, knock it away from them
- If they don’t make it across, the player returns to the area they started from
Basic: Ask a player to join you between the two areas to help you stop other players
- Dribbling and changing direction with close ball control
- Ability to use different fakes and turns
- Ability to change speed with the ball