General Movement | Football Rush
Suitable for players aged 4-6 years
- Create an area up to 20m x 20m. Modify the size depending on the number of players
- All players start at one end of the area with a ball each, except for one defender, who starts inside the area but has no ball
- On your call of “Footbull Rush” the attackers attempt to dribble their ball past the defender in the middle of the pitch and stop on the opposite end line
- The defender tries to tackle as many players as possible, or even kick their ball out of the area
- If an attacker has their ball intercepted or taken from them they join the defender(s) in the middle of the pitch
- The last attacker remaining wins the game
BASIC: Make the pitch smaller
INTERMEDIATE: Add another defender at the start
- Dribbling and changing direction with close ball control
- Keeping head up for awareness of space and other players while dribbling
- Players ability to use their body to protect the ball while under pressure